The Veteran Directed Care (VDC) Program offers a Veteran-directed approach to home and community-based services. VDC provides veterans with either service connected or non-service connected disabilities with more choice and control in directing services and supports.
Veterans enrolled in VDC decide what services, supports and goods are needed, and when, by whom, where and how services are delivered. Veterans work with the local VA Medical Center to become eligible for the program. Once eligibility is established, the VA Medical Center will refer the veteran to ILCHV to develop a spending plan which outlines services needed, who will perform them, and how much they will cost. ILCHV will assist the veteran in completing the paperwork and submitting it for approval. If a veteran feels unable to complete the required paperwork he/she can designate a representative to act on his/her behalf.
Once approved, staff work closely with the veteran to implement the plan. The Veteran (or his/her representative) is responsible for hiring, training and supervising the direct care staff. Similar to CDPAP, the work schedule and tasks to be done are negotiated by the veteran and who he/she hires. ILCHV serves as the fiscal intermediary. Our responsibilities include: assisting the veteran in completing the paperwork necessary to become an authorized employer; act as a payroll agent and take care of all money issues like timesheets, payroll, taxes and other employer-related requirements; arrange Workers’ Compensation coverage; process employee pay; pay all payroll taxes; and maintain all financial records (timecards, payroll, etc.) .
ILCHV works closely with the veteran and his/her family to ensure quality services are being delivered to the veteran and that all payroll requirements are met. Staff are available to conduct home visits and to provide assistance and respond to questions.
If you are interested in learning more about the program, call ILCHV and speak to Desiree Chambers, Veteran Directed Care Program Coordinator at (518) 274-0701.