The Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley is rooted in a philosophy of self reliance and self determination. We offer the following services to individuals with disabilities and their families:
- Peer Advocacy – Staff advise individuals of their legal, economic and educational rights and assist them in securing those rights. Read more…
- Open Doors – Staff assist individuals living in nursing homes and developmental centers to return to their own communities. Read more…
- Olmstead Housing Subsidy – For individuals returning to the community from an institution, assistance is provided in securing accessible housing. Read more…
- Consumer Directed Personal Care Assistance Program – Individuals who are deemed eligible for personal care assistance are able to hire and train their own workers, with ILCHV acting as the fiscal intermediary. Read more…
- Benefits Advisement –Staff provide education, guidance and advocacy to assist individuals in obtaining the benefits to which they are entitled, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Food Stamps, Heating Assistance, and rehabilitation services. Read more…
- Support Groups – Based upon individuals’ needs, staff assist in organizing groups at which peers can share and support each other. Groups have included: post-polio, mens, womens, mental health empowerment, and blind. Read more…
- Health and Wellness activities – Staff provide activities that support living healthy. Activities include smoking cessation classes, living healthy with chronic disease, exercise classes, Zumba, meditation, chair yoga, and Diabetes Prevention classes. Read more…
- NY Connects – Staff provide assistance to individuals seeking information about long term supports that will allow them to remain in their own homes, and when requested makes referrals to other providers. Read more…
- Information and referral – Staff provide information and referral to community resources, programs, recreational options, disability specific services, travel, assistive technology, civil rights, and other topics of interest to people with disabilities and their families and friends. Read more…
- Youth in Transition services – Open to individuals from age 14 to 30, Youth programs include goal planning, job skills development (resume writing, interviewing skills), site visits to colleges and other community resources, and speakers who bring knowledge of how to navigate life with a disability. Read more…
- Health insurance navigation – Facilitated Enrollers and Community Health Advocates assist individuals in applying for health insurance, educating them on how to utilize insurance to maximize health, and advocating to ensure individuals receive the services to which they are entitled. Read more…
- Independent living skills training – Staff provide training to assist individuals in gaining skills that will increase independence. Training is based upon individual’s needs and can include cooking, budgeting, and using public transportation. Read more…
- Access to home – Available to individuals with disabilities who receive Medicaid OR who are veterans, funding is provided to support accessibility modifications that enable them to remain in their own homes. Read more…
- Veteran’s Directed Care – Staff assist veterans referred through the Veteran’s Administration to secure personal care assistance with ILCHV serving as the fiscal intermediary. Read more…
- Architectural Barriers Consultation – Staff provide consultation services to businesses, houses of worship, community centers, parks and other recreational sites, and individuals on planning a barrier free environment. Read more…
- Transportation – Staff assist individuals in learning to use the main bus line and/or paratransit; ILCHV provides limited transportation using two wheelchair accessible vans. Read more…
- Employment – Staff assist individuals in accessing the state vocational rehabilitation system, provide one on one guidance on how to search for a job, interviewing skills, and how to obtain reasonable accommodations. Read more…
- Systems Advocacy – Staff advocate for changes in laws and policies that prevent people with disabilities equal access. They also monitor existing laws to ensure they are fully implemented in accordance with their purpose. Read more…
Call our offices for more information about how our programs can benefit you, or your family members.