Having health insurance and knowing how to utilize benefits to maximize health is critical for people with disabilities. ILCHV has several programs that can help.
Facilitated Enrollment for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (FE-ABD) – this program educates and assists individuals who are aged, blind, or disabled in enrolling in and using public health insurance programs. Staff can help you apply for Medicaid (health insurance for people with low income), Medicaid Excess Income/Resource Program (for people who have income or resources above the usual Medicaid levels) Medicaid Buy In for Working People with Disabilities (for those who may be earning above Medicaid limits) and Medicare Saving Program (helps people to pay monthly premiums and lower out of pocket expenses).
FE-ABD staff are available to meet with you in person or on the phone and can talk to you, your family members or anyone else who is helping with insurance decisions. Staff will also speak to community groups about facilitated enrollment services.
If you are interested in learning more about the program, call ILCHV and speak to Chris Walsh, Facilitated Enrollment for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (FE-ABD) at (518) 274-0701.