For some people with disabilities, having benefits in place allows them to live in the community safely. Peer advocates can assist you in learning about supports for which you qualify, and can help you apply for them. They are also available to answer questions and to advocate if necessary.
Peer advocates can assist you with applications for: Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), PASS Plan (a plan developed which allows you to return to work while retaining your benefits), Social Security Work Incentive Program, Medicaid for people with disabilities who work without losing their Medicaid (Medicaid Buy-In), and other benefits that may be available to you based upon your disability, age, previous work history, the amount of income and assets you have, and/or veteran status.
If you want to know more about benefits that may be available to you, call ILCHV and speak to Sonam Willow, Benefits Advisor at (518) 274-0701.